2012 is Going Mobile

December 19, 2011  |  Mark Hillary
IBA Group

When a company like Intel reorganizes itself around mobile technologies, it is clear that something has changed.

And this is no surprise. Take a look around at how IT is being consumed today and it is clear that there has been a mobile revolution. According to the latest Gartner forecast, worldwide tablet sales will reach 63.6 million units in 2011– a 261.4% increase from its 17.6 million sales in 2010. Tablet sales are expected to reach 326.3 million units by the end of 2015.

So the world is organizing access to computing power through tablets and smartphones much more than ever before – not through desktop PCs or even laptops.

The smartphone and tablet revolution may have started with consumers, but it is moving into the corporation. Many businesses are actively exploring how to increase productivity through the use of tablets – and they are about to become more popular than the regular PC.

Gartner estimates that the combined sales of smartphones and tablets will be 44% greater than PC sales this year, and by the end of 2014, the installed base of computing devices running mobile operating systems will surpass the total installed base of all PC systems.

That’s just two years away – more mobile devices than traditional PCs installed around the world. With such a change in hardware, there is also a need for new software too and experts who really understand how to write code for tablets.

Porting old code can work, but doesn’t exploit the power of the tablet. The real winners will be the companies that realize not only what the hardware can do, but how to write new forms of code that take advantage of this new mobile business paradigm.

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