IBA Group Book ‘The Digital CEO’ Wins Gold Medal
At the end of 2021 I worked with IBA Group to create a book called ‘The Digital CEO: A Dozen Years Of IT Insight’. I have been blogging about the future of technology for IBA Group for a dozen years so it seemed like a good moment to look back over the hundreds of thousands of words I have written. So, I’ve collected some of my best articles into a book that was published globally and is still available now.
I added some new material to the book, so it’s not just a collection of previously-published blogs, I have added some ideas around the themes that have played out over this time and what this may mean for the future of IT. Some of the trends identified very early on, such as digital twins and the Internet of Things, are now major areas of research and development.
What’s even better than seeing this book out there in the international bookstores is that it has now won a major award.
The MarCom awards are an international creative competition that recognizes outstanding achievements by marketing and communication professionals. Entries come from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, public relations firms, design shops, production companies, and freelancers. IBA Group submitted the book to see what the judges thought of it as a way to tell people about what IBA Group is doing.
They awarded the book a gold medal!

The MarCom Awards are administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP). The international organization consists of several thousand creative professionals. The Association oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges, and sets standards for excellence. AMCP is the industry’s preeminent third-party evaluator of creative work. The organization has judged over 300,000 entries since its formation in 1994.
And now they have judged and awarded this book, based on IBA Group thought leadership, a gold medal. Even better, in the same wave of award announcements IBA Group Corporate Social Responsibility report won a platinum medal, demonstrating company’s commitment to sustainability and good corporate governance.
In their news release, IBA Group quoted me as saying: “It’s important for any modern company to deliver for their clients today, but also to be looking to the future. Companies will turn to expert advisers such as IBA and ask about their ideas on where IT and business processes supported by IT are going.
I think the IBA Group blog is a great demonstration of this forward vision. I have always been encouraged to seek out ideas from the future and to try imagining how they might change the business environment today. The collection of articles included in the book really demonstrates this visionary approach.”
It’s a great honor for both the IBA Group team and me to see this book being noticed and winning awards. Please click here to order your own copy.