Industry Trends in AI and Automation with EasyRPA

July 29, 2024  |  Stuart McMillan

In today’s fast-paced business environment, many companies struggle with starting their AI journey and implementing automation effectively, especially small and medium-sized enterprises lacking resources and in-house expertise.

To address these concerns, IBA Group hosted a webinar titled Evolution of Automation from RPA to Intelligent Automation & AI. The webinar, led by Daniel Goodstein, President of IRPA AI, aimed to equip business leaders with the knowledge to implement and scale automation solutions. Speakers included:

  • Stuart McMillan: Digital Transformation Advisor at Amplio Technologies
  • Lucy Titova: Chief Business Development Officer at IBA Group
  • Sergey Zhmako: Executive VP at IBA Group
  • Sergey Zlobich: Department Chief at IBA Group Lithuania and EasyRPA product owner

EasyRPA Webinar

Introducing EasyRPA

EasyRPA is an advanced automation platform developed by IBA Group. It integrates hyper-automation and AI technologies, offering significant cost savings through a zero-license cost model, making it attractive for small and medium businesses.

From RPA to Intelligent Automation

Sergey Zhmako: Our journey with robotic process automation started with platforms like Blue Prism, WorkFusion, UiPath, and Automation Anywhere. We enhanced client operations, improving accuracy and efficiency. With AI solutions like machine learning and intelligent document processing, we automated complex processes and handled unstructured data, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Stuart McMillan: Amplio partnered with IBA Group to automate business processes beyond simple Excel macros. Together, we developed EasyRPA, a platform with a universal language that doesn’t require specific training, offering a license-free model that enhances ROI.

Key Challenges and Solutions

Dan Goodstein: What are some common challenges businesses face when implementing automation, and how does EasyRPA address them?

Stuart McMillan: Common challenges include:

  • Identifying value
  • Lack of skills and talent
  • Choosing the right technology provider
  • License fees
  • Integration issues
  • Change management and people
  • Maintaining and updating solutions

EasyRPA addresses these with its zero-license cost model, flexibility, and ease of integration.

Real-Life Applications and Benefits

Lucy Titova: Approximately five years ago, a top manager from a global mobile operator approached us with a major issue: a manual mistake in an invoice ten times the correct amount was sent to a VIP client, risking the company’s reputation. At the time, the company had some process automation projects but lacked the budget for licenses, training, and certification. We provided business analysts and architects to describe their processes, and our development team implemented everything on our platform. The result was remarkable — tasks that previously took six hours were completed in 12 minutes by our EasyRPA bot. Employees could leave work on time, significantly improving their work-life balance.

There was also a similar success story with a furniture manufacturer. The implementation of EasyRPA helped handle repetitive and labor-intensive tasks, reducing manual errors and significantly improving the efficiency and productivity of their operations. This case further illustrates how EasyRPA can adapt to different industries, providing tailored solutions that meet specific business needs and enhance overall performance.

We are currently engaged in a complex project for the Ministry of Health in a Gulf country. This project involves handling a mix of local languages, such as Arabic and English, demonstrating EasyRPA’s capability to recognize and process unusual languages. In just four months, the project has shown promising results, showcasing the platform’s adaptability and effectiveness in the healthcare domain.

Integration and Compliance

Dan Goodstein: What processes do you recommend starting with, and when do clients typically see ROI?

Stuart McMillan: We recommend starting with repetitive, rule-based, and time-consuming tasks like data entry, form filling, and calculations. Generative AI can help with unstructured data. Typically, clients see ROI within 12 months, often faster, by focusing on high-impact processes for quick value.

Dan Goodstein: Do clients need to replace their existing automation platforms, and can EasyRPA integrate with Microsoft Office and meet compliance standards?

Sergey Zhmako: No, EasyRPA complements existing platforms, reducing dependency and leveraging strengths. Our zero-license cost model is budget-friendly. EasyRPA integrates with Microsoft Office and complies with GDPR. We can meet specific regional and client requirements.

Dan Goodstein: Can EasyRPA work with mainframes and legacy systems, and what additional services do you offer?

Sergey Zhmako: Yes, IBA Group has extensive experience with mainframes, integrating new technologies seamlessly. Besides RPA, we offer comprehensive IT services, including SAP management, data analytics, custom application development, and IT security.

Future Trends in Business Technology

Stuart McMillan: Key trends include:

  • Augmented Human-Digital Workforces: Humans and machines will collaborate side by side, each playing to their strengths. Businesses can operate 24/7 with minimal need for frontline staff beyond human interaction roles.
  • Fully Autonomous Enterprises: Every operation that can be automated will be automated, managed by human coders and business strategy leaders with minimal need for middle management.
  • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: These organizations will operate independently without human input. Strategy and decision-making will be fully codified, potentially on the blockchain, with automations automatically coded, managed, and repaired by AI models.

The webinar highlighted the evolution from RPA to intelligent automation and future trends in business technology. IBA Group offers a complimentary pilot program to experience the benefits of advanced automation solutions firsthand. For more information on EasyRPA or to schedule a free briefing, visit the EasyRPA website.

Watch the full version of the webinar here.

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